Category: Work

What a Tangled Tweet We Weave When First We Practice to Get Outraged

A "good job" according to whom? May I ask when exactly was the last time you were in an elementary school and sat through an entire school day with first graders? I ask because my mother makes this same argument frequently, yet has not been in an actual elementary school building since 1976. Her grandchildren were taught at home so she, therefore, has no experience either visiting a school or evaluating a public school education since 1976.

Movie Night: Desk Set

"Not only is it hilarious, it has fabulous midcentury (ugh, that word) interiors, jokes only librarian/book/research nerds understand, an awesome supporting cast including EMERAC and Kate gets to get blotto and talk about the "Mexican Avenue Bus" (the Lexington Avenue Bus, that is)."

Movie Night: Hot Millions

"There's a lot more than just smiles to recommend this one–ts droll English humor, its glimpse at fashions and designs and trends of 1968, the fantastic acting of everyone, including the performance of Bob Newhart, whose movie outings are often forgotten, the sarcastic wit and the satire–it's a long list and will need a second viewing to get it all."

Trees, Part Deaux

Trees, Part Deaux (cont'd) … but it fell onto the neighbors' yard, barely missing their porch and stuff. Its carcass… Posted by Steve Pollock...

Trees, Part Une

Trees, Part Une: "I think that I shall never see "A nasty devil like a tree. "They always fall over on me, "Leaving a…...

Ole Yeller

His Imperial Highness, #IAmTheRoux, and His Imperial Clown Prince, #GooseIsLoose, wish it known that They do not exert… Posted by Steve Pollock on Thursday, June...