Category: San Francisco

Thieves Highway

Movie Night: Thieves’ Highway

“Thieves’ Highway is a classic Noir tale of truckers and apples and greed and sex and San Francisco and California and highways and death.”

Hot Millions

Movie Night: Hot Millions

“There’s a lot more than just smiles to recommend this one–ts droll English humor, its glimpse at fashions and designs and trends of 1968, the fantastic acting of everyone, including the performance of Bob Newhart, whose movie outings are often forgotten, the sarcastic wit and the satire–it’s a long list and will need a second viewing to get it all.”

Party Like It's 1999

Posted by Steve Pollock on Monday, February 8, 2016

Supercomputer Flash Mob

A gigaflop flash mob at the University of San Francisco’s Koret Gym yesterday. My time in 503 has demonstrated that

Traffic Nightmare

I get homesick for the Bay Area every now and then, but not on days like this: Officials are continuing

Your Travel Guide to Baghdad-By-The-Bay (2002)

‘I sat in the Delhi airport and watched the big electric clock in the departure hall that tells passengers when