Closing Statements

[What, no questions about us faggots and our families and how evil we are?]

1. Won’t cede sovereignty over US, but our country is strongest when we lead alliances.2. I have plan to hunt down and kill terrorists and get things better in Iraq.
3. We have a crisis here in the middle class … healthcare … schools and teachers …
4. I ask you privilege of leading nation to be strong and respected again.

1. We’ve been through hell … lists some dubious achievements.
2. We’re at war.
3. We need big energy.
4. More work to be done.
5. Terra.
6. WMDs
7. Haters
8. Faith, liberty, freedom on march
9. God bless

Whatta tool.

Last Question

Three instances of your mistakes and how you corrected it:

Emperor says … he has made decisions.


Says he’ll take responsibility for tactical problems in war.

On big decisions in Iraq and Afghanistan weren’t mistakes. Trying to trap me into saying it was wrong. Again gets hyper defensive on Iraq. Goes way off on Saddam. And tax cuts.

Made mistakes in appointing people, won’t name names on TV. (?!)

Kerry’s response: Bush made huge mistakes. Look into your hearts: Was war last resort? No plan to win peace. Incompetent in delivery of services. Beyond pitiful and embarrassing. Saddam’s intent is an excuse.

Bush gets defensive on equipment and Iraq. He gets clipped.

Kerry says which is worse, how I talked about $87 billion or invading Iraq? Invokes Halliburton.

On Abortion

Kerry on abortion:

I respect the belief about life and when it begins. Raised a Catholic. Helped lead me yesterday and today. I can’t take an article of faith and legislate it for someone who doesn’t share it. I can’t do that. I can council people. I can talk about responsibility and abstinence. I have to represent ALL the people. Don’t deny poor people the right to have Constitutional rights. Brings up international family planning.

Time for the Fascist Fundamentlist answer. Emperor says we’re not spending tax money on abortions. Brings up partial birth abortions. Supports parental notification. Unborn victims of violence act. Create culture of life. He’s much calmer. Did they give him a shot? Tell him to chill out? He’s much more effective this way.

Kerry’s follow-up. Slams Bush’s warping of his record. It’s not as simple as Bush wants you to believe.

Bush says it is that simple. Simple things for simple minds. You can run but you can’t hide.

Supreme Court Vacancy

Emperor: ‘I’m NOT TELLING!’

That’s supposed to be funny?

Strict interpretation. Personal opinion. Here’s who I wouldn’t pick. Invokes Pledge case. Dred Scott case (??!!). What appalling ignorance of American history. No litmus test except for interpretation.

Kerry’s response goes to Bush’s words four years ago … we need conservative judges. His two favorites are Scalia and Thomas. I don’t we need a good liberal or conservative. I subscribe to the Potter Stewart standard. Mark of good justice is if you can’t tell the decision is written by a label. Supreme court and justice dept. is at stake. Brings up right to choose.

On Stem Cells

Embryonic stem cells (here we go).

Kerry says he respects the question and feeling, invokes Nancy Reagan and Michael J. Fox and Christopher Reeve. We can do it ethically. Embryos from fertility clinics not from abortions are available. It is respecting life to reach for that cure. Bush has chosen a policy that makes that impossible.

Emperor whines a justification of his policy. Says it requires destruction of life. He’s first to allow it. (?!) Hopes for cure too. He’s totally lost in this and he knows it. Claims it’s destroying life to save life (?).

Kerry: Bush is a waffler!!!!! The lines he’s made available are not adequate. 11-20 now. Not enough, they’re contaminated. We have to do it.

Bush justifies his flip-flopping. YAWN.


Defend the Orwell Act, Boy Emperor …

Bush says your rights aren’t being watered down. Every action being taken against terrorists requires court order and scrutiny. (?) Justification, oversimplication, lie, idiotic statement, blah blah blah. TERRA!!!! It doesn’t abridge your rights.

Kerry reponds. Republicans want the act changed. Many folks are concerned about it. Inspector general of Justice Dept. found it abused rights. Notes sneak and peek. Notes incarceration. Notes lack of intent. I voted for it. I believe in those portions that make us stronger. But some parts change Constitution.

On Jobs

Manufacturing competitiveness:

Kerry talks about ways to be competitive, cites examples of administration failure … incentives to move offshore. Tax benefits for companies that stay. Manufacturing and new jobs credit. Cost of healthcare is hurting business more than anything. Boo-YEAH! Education is important … especially science and technology … energy independence … great entrepreneurial spirit to free ourselves from mideast energy dependence.

Bush keeps going back to tort reform … insurance pooling … health savings accounts … claims Robert Rubin says Kerry’s plan won’t work … claims energy plan is stuck in Senate … Kerry misses votes … keep taxes low.

Gibson horns in again.

Kerry says you can’t stop all outsourcing but you can create a level playing field. Bush just lied. 96% of small businesses won’t be affected.

Bush is confused. Whut? Invokes some yokel in Ohio.

On the Environment

Emperor on the environment:

Off road diesel engines … increase wetlands … refurbish inner city sore spots … Clear Skies Orwellian Initiative … conservation reserve program … Healthy Forests Orwellian Initiative … hydrogen auto technology … unClean Coal Orwellian … I’m a good steward of the land … LOUD GUFFAW!!!

Kerry: Emperor isn’t living in reality. Don’t throw labels around, they don’t mean anything. Labels don’t fit. One of worst administrations in modern history. Orwellian names. We’re going back. His chief EPA investigator resigned … backwards … science.

Bush jumps on Kyoto treaty … it would cost jobs. Popular in halls of Europe. Good god, he’s such a tin-foil hat Freeper.

Kerry: Kyoto was flawed, but it was a start … Bush didn’t try to fix it … we walked away from 180 countries work over 10 years.

Spend, Spend, Spend

Explain your spending and lack of vetoes.

Emperor: We have a deficit because of Clinton recession. It ain’t my fault. We’re at war. TRIFECTA!!! Money, ammunitions and pay! Security! We have an obligation to spend that money. Everybody got tax relief. Trickle down!!! Voodoo economics! Haven’t vetoed anything because we’re working together (?). I won’t shortchange our troops.

Kerry responds. My healthcare plan is not what Bush says it is. You have the choice and control. On deficit. Bush was handed $5.6 TRILLION surplus. He now has a $2.6 TRILLION deficit. First in 72 years to lose jobs. Tax cut during war. 1% of America, the highest in America got $89 billion tax cut. Tax cut for less than $200,000.

Gibson cuts in with ‘How you gonna cut the deficit?’

Bush whines about it’s all Clinton’s fault. What a whiner.

After 9/11 and after the end of the recession, Kerry says Bush lost millions of jobs and gave money to the wealthiest. $25 billion giveaway to corporations. ENRON!

Healthcare and John Edwards

What about Trial Lawyer Edwards?

Kerry says he and John are for tort reform, look it up. Is it a problem? Yes. Do we need to fix it? Yes. But it’s less than 1% of the total cost of healthcare. $3,500 up in Missouri, 64%. 5,000,000 have lost healthcare under Bush. I have specific plans. It can happen, but we have to roll back unaffordable tax cut for those over $200,000 a year.

Bush is swamped. Kerry is the most liberal senator of all. Nyaah nyaah nyaah. He’s gonna tax us all!!!! AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH! Frivolous lawsuits!!!! AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! Federal government will run healthcare! That’s what li-bruhls do! Rationing! Ruin quality of care!

Kerry we should look at limitations. Bush is trying to scare with labels. Compassionate conservative: Biggest deficits in American history. Dropping kids off insurance rolls.

Bush: Trial lawyers! Senate votes! Blah!

Domestic Policy: Canadian Drugs

Why did you block importation of Canadian drugs to save 40-60%?

Bush: I want you to be safe and protected and all huggly-wuggly and safety-wafety. Slams the third world. Pisses off his Big Pharma buddies by weakly touting generic drugs. Shillls for drug card scam. Blathers on and on.

Kerry: Notes that the Emperor four years ago was asked same question and said it was a good idea. He lied. Notes that Senate passed it. We’re talking about American drugs, not third world ones. Slams the Emperor on Medicare and bulk buying. Bush sides with corporations.

Bush blames Clinton. Kerry doesn’t have any accomplishments on Medicare in 20 years in the Senate.

Kerry: Actually in 1997 we fixed Medicare and I was one involved. WE BALANCED THE BUDGET TOO, something you don’t know how to do!


What About Terra?

Why no more terrorist attacks and what will you do about our safety?

Kerry notes that Emperor has told us it’s not a question of if but of when. These people wait and plot and plan. I agree we have to go after them. I can do it far more effectively. We need the best intelligence. We need better cooperation in the world. Better homeland security. 95% of containers are not inspected. Bags are x-rayed, but not cargo holds of aircraft. Notes Bush choice of massive tax cut over homeland security. Overcrowded hospitals.

Bush says he tripled the homeland security budget. Brings up some unrelated 1993 Kerry vote. Says we have to be right 100%, we have to be offensive. People are working hard. Loves the PATRIOT Act. Says Kerry wants to weaken it. Kerry can’t succeed in Iraq and it will be a haven for terrorists. Dredges up same old talking points. Yadda yadda yadda.

Gibson asks Kerry if he thinks terror is inevitable. Kerry says Bush said it is. The test is not if you’ve added money. He chose a tax cut.

Bush says he’s worried about our country. Way to defeat the enemy is to spread freedom.

On the Draft

The Emperor on the draft:

Rumors on the internet: We’re not going to have a draft period. Volunteer army is best to fight 21st century wars. We don’t need as much manpower on Korean peninsula.

I can’t follow him any longer. He’s off the rails, making no sense. But promises no draft while he’s the emperor.

Kerry responds that he doesn’t support draft and proceeds to highlight his military supporters (generals) and then talks about the Emperor’s failures and the way he’s overextended the military. National Guard, Stop Loss, back-door draft, underpaid military, hurts communities. I will add 40,000 active-duty forces. My foreign policy will build alliances, not going it alone.

Emperor is about to have a cow. ‘Tell Tony Blair we’re going alone!’ About to split a gut.

Kerry says eight countries have left the coalition. Missouri would be third largest country in alliance (in population). 90% of costs coming from our pockets.

The Iranians

Asks Kerry about Iran.

Iran is a huge threat and you can’t just rely on sanctions, notes that threat has grown while Bush was preoccupied in Iraq. Talks about North Korea’s capabilities and notes Emperor’s failure to engage. We were safer before he came to office. We have to join with the Brits and French and Germans and lead the world to crack down on proliferation. Bush slow even in Russia. He wants to take 13 years. Kerry plan is within four. Talks about bunker busters and proliferation. We will get tough with Iran if we have to.

Bush: ‘That answer almost made me want to scowl.’ Naive and dangerous. Claims that he’s following Kerry’s plan. More and more petulant. Almost shouting. We did what Clinton did and it’s wrong it doesn’t work (?).

Why Do They Hate Us?

A woman’s family travelled overseas and noted intensity of hatred to US …

Emperor says, ‘We’ve got a great country and I recognize I’ve made some decisions …’ Invokes Reagan and the Cold War. He made decisions because it was best for our security. Slaps Arafat. Slaps Europe. It was unpopular but the right thing to do. Democracy. Blah blah. Terra. Blah blah. International Criminal Court. Blah blah. Sometimes decisions are unpopular, but right. Presidency is not popularity.

Kerry responds. Sounds calmer and more in control. Bush sounds like he’s spraying spit all over the state. Kerry notes Bush’s words four years ago about what he would do in war. Brings up Shinseki. Notes betrayal by administration of what had been promised. ‘He rushed to war without plan for peace … he broke his word.’

Bush says he asked the generals if they had what they needed. Sounds petulant. Blames the generals.

Kerry notes that winning the peace is larger than the military. President’s job is to win the peace. He didn’t do what he was supposed to do. Our kids are being killed … KICK ASS!!!!

On Conditions in Our Newest Province, Iraq

To Kerry: Proceeding with same plan in Iraq?

Kerry responds of course not … trots out Republicans who oppose the way things are being handled in Iraq. Attacks vociferously the current way things are going in Iraq. Talks about training troops faster and getting allies back in the game.

Bush says ‘From tyranny to elections! Iraqis love to be free!’ Says not to listen to political rhetoric. Lays claim to Kerry’s plan. Attacks idea of summit on Iraq. He’s getting shriller and angrier.

Kerry followup: The right war was Osama and Afghanistan and Tora Bora when we had him cornered.

Bush followup: It’s a misunderstanding that the war on terra is just Osama.


WMDs and Iraq

To the Emperor: ‘What about the whole WMDs in Iraq thing … is this a reasonable justification?’

Each situation is different … you have to use diplomacy first. [Lying sack of …]

From there on, he’s just repeating, ‘9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11!’

Now he’s linking Al Quaida to 9/11 again …

Now he’s bringing up the Freepers’ UN Oil for Food shibboleth … and he sounds testy and slurring and there are plenty of pauses between his sentences.

Kerry’s replies … ‘The world is more dangerous because the [Emperor] made the wrong choices … he took his eye off the ball.’

Sorry, I know I’m partisan, but Kerry is kicking the Boy Emperor’s ASS. It’s that simple.
Bush comes back with a lame-o attack. ‘Saddam! Terrorists!’

Kerry comes back with a direct slap about sanctions … KICK BUTT!!

Are You a Flip-Flopper?

First question to Kerry: Do you have a reply to the Fascists calling you a flip-flopper?

Answer: Bush is running a campaign of mass deception.

No duh.

His answer encompasses a whole lot of ground.

The Emperor just repeats his campaign stuff. ‘He’s wishy-washy because he is.’ Pathetic.