Category: Rants


Oh AARP, no you did NOT just address me as "AARP Grandparent"!! My siblings, my cousins are the grandparents (and proud… Posted by Steve...

Goosey Choices

Exhibit A: On the left, a specially designed combo dog toy, with rope tug and BPA-free chewing knobs, locally sourced,… Posted by Steve Pollock...

70 Years On

[Fair warning: Not a happy or basset-y post. (Didn’t help my, shall we say, outlook on life, that our water heater failed and flooded...

Just Like Nixon

The person I personally refer to as Joey the Rat, Pope Ben-a-Nazi XVI, announced his resignation today. A review of his greatest hits is...

The Right Way

“The whole world is watching what we do here. We’re going to win or lose this war depending on how we do this.” Ali...

Reg Dwight Gets Hitched

High-profile celebrity civil commitment ceremony: check. Quaint British setting (the same location as Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles’ ceremony in April): check. Crowds of...