Category: Marriage Equality


“Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law –

It is Difficult …

“How long? Not long. Because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Dr. Martin

Marriage Equality Arrives in Connecticut

The governor of Connecticut signed «marriage equality into law today». Equal protection under the law as provided in the U.S.

The Bigots' Last Hurrah

It’s a great title for a great «column». Frank Rich of the New York Times sums up very thoroughly and

Rarin' to Go

Gavin Newsom, the man who presided over our first civil union ceremony when he was still a San Francisco supervisor,

Just Married

Thank you, Canada! And thank you Neil Hodgins and all our wonderful friends! Pics are up: « The Wedding » « The Reception »

Now Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Benefits!

Dear Fascist Michigan Voters-For-Prop-2: « Screw. You. »: ‘A Michigan judge ruled on Tuesday that a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage does