Rainy Day Thoughts

• Attack of the killer allergy eyeball reddeners today. Got so bad I had to make a run to CVS in the rain to get eyedrops …
• Love the rain, but am missing the sunshine. Looked at my very white arms last night and remembered how tan I was after spending time three times in Palm Springs last spring/summer …
• Can’t go anywhere without leashless dogs running up to us, even the deep woods of Mitchell Scarlett Park wasn’t immune. As we finished the walk, the storm system began coming in and the wind turned sharper and more northerly and the clouds came back. I love rainy spring weather, but the cabin fever/lack of sun is beginning to get to me. What can I say? I’m a southwestern boy more at home in Nuevo Mexico …
• Dumping almost a full pitcher of black cherry koolaid on the kitchen floor and refrigerator is a sticky mess, as Frank found out today …
• Beagles enjoyed the walk in the woods, but he’s kind of limping a bit tonight. Old age/incipient arthritis/lack of exercise is the culprit. He’s tired but reasonably happy now …
• Watched The Caine Mutiny, which I hadn’t seen before, this afternoon. Fabulous. More on the « Cinema ‘blog » …
• Apparently, a Fox News/World Net Daily-spouting fascist is running things at my old newspaper, the Drunken Banana, if a quick read of the editorial page is any indication …
• Need a real job with real money …
• Called UM financial aid yesterday, they said it’ll be another 4-6 weeks now that they have my RFF, which I didn’t know I needed to submit …