Category: Reciprocal Affection

Future Beagles

It’s been just over a week since Bayley left us. My heart still aches, but I’m pretty resigned. Dogs get old. And when they...

Farewell, Pookus.

Bayley Murphey Beagle 20-Aug-1994 — 2-Mar-2007 Dear Bayley Murphey, Thank you for being such a wonderful and good dog, a loving companion, for keeping...

A Phone Call

My sister may have breast cancer. I don’t know how to respond to her news. This is not supposed to be happening. Surreal. I...

About the Banner

That photo in the previous banner was of the temperature reading on the Jeep as we entered Brentwood. It was 114 degrees Fahrenheit when...

Farewell, Ann Arbor!

This is the last post on ASquared AirBeagle. And my last blog post from Ann Arbor. Beginning Tuesday night, we become BSquared AirBeagle, the...

A2 to B2

As you can see from Frank’s post below (and the graffiti on the masthead above), half of us is in California and the other...

Goodbye Ann Arbor

I’m in California as of yesterday afternoon ….. goodbye, Michigan! There a lot of friends and colleagues I’ll miss, and also a lot of...

Moving On

Yep … Steve’s right. After almost 32 months in Michigan, nearly but not quite 3 years, we’re on our way back to the Bay...

Winter, Blah

Not much snow (ergo, not much winter). We’re almost a month into winter, and it’s been mostly rain, fog, overcast skies, and the occasional...

Birds of Summer

Saw a bird hopping around on the grass on my way to the bus stop Tuesday morning that I couldn’t identify (nothing new there,...

Price of Tea

Recently the price of tea went up from $1.59 to $2.12 at my favorite pitstop, Cafe Ambrosia. Seeing as how the price hadn’t been...

Summer Is Icumen In

Signs of approaching summer everywhere. The temperature was up in the high 60s today. Robins aplenty, but a strange and unsettling squirrel hiatus. Humidity...

A Michigan Day

What a Michigan day ….. a nice warm sunlit morning and early afternoon (I wiggled my toes in amazement in the doorway, almost astonished...

Some Sad News

Just got an extremely sad e-mail from Donpy … Artie-moose isn’t doing well. Sudden tumor growth, bad cancer. Should know on Wednesday whether she’s...