Category: Beagles

Puppie Hood

From April 2007: While the boys were still living at home with mommy. Ginger occasionally thought they were playthings and got a little rough....

Four Years On

Four years ago this afternoon, we lost our beloved Bayley Murphey Beagle. It still hurts and I cried. We miss him loads still; even...

Nothing to See Here

News in this neck of the woods is pretty mundane: More beagle escapes (fifth, I think), necessitating the expenditure and labor of putting up...

Future Beagles

It’s been just over a week since Bayley left us. My heart still aches, but I’m pretty resigned. Dogs get old. And when they...

Farewell, Pookus.

Bayley Murphey Beagle 20-Aug-1994 — 2-Mar-2007 Dear Bayley Murphey, Thank you for being such a wonderful and good dog, a loving companion, for keeping...