Category: Donelson

Nashville Rails

Donelson Renovates

Not much can be done about the traffic volume as long as Metro and the State are devoid of ideas or even the hint of wanting to think about possible solutions. Nashville is drowning in traffic, but no one has the will or money to do anything about it.

Warm Summer Night

Terrible quality, but is there anything better than a warm summer night playing in – er, rather sitting near the

That Curtain-y Feeling

That feeling you get when you hang your first curtains in the first house you ever owned? Priceless. Posted by

Welcome to the Neighborhood

The moment when you close on your house and your new neighbor welcomes you with a giant batch of chocolate

Closing Tomorrow

Closing on the new house at 11 a.m. tomorrow! VERY happy. His Majesty is preparing final addresses for the Cats

Moving to Donelson

On the road again … Moving packing has begun! Heading back to Donelson (yay!) to a smaller house (yay!) with

Home Again

Great to be back home in the Volunteer State. Posted by Steve Pollock on Monday, August 8, 2016