Category: Imagery

Christmas Day 2021

Merry Christmas from Music City

American Civil War Casus Belli: African Negro Slavery.

Let’s be clear: The war was about slavery, from first to last. And after the gun stopped firing, the war continued in multiple ways that all-too-often includes violence and murder.

Amara Rensa

What We Hath Wrought

RIP Amara Renas and all the other unknown women and men and children. May you haunt our collective memory forever.

Everest Capital Collision

Capital Destroys All It Touches

“What’s our death toll up to in this week’s boutique pay lots of money and die fashionably sweepstakes? 19?”

WWI DnD Meme

WWI Collides with D&D and Memes

It’s two years old, but I’m just seeing it for the first time. It’s « one of the best visual

Why Do All New Apartment Buildings Look the Same?

The « bland, boxy apartment boom is a design issue, and a housing policy problem. » | Curbed.