Author: Frank

Amen, Sister

And Sunday’s “move-out today,” or so goes the scuttlebutt (heard as I walked by a couple of people sitting out in front of Ambrosia...


Helicopters circling over central campus, lots of clueless out-of-towners wandering around, lots of ties and shirts and trousers as opposed to jeans and shorts,...


I’m done. The end of the year has come for me, and I seem to have survived. (The true test will come when grades...

Meanwhile …..

Meanwhile, record-breaking temperatures back on the left coast. Pasadena, my hometown, hit 99 degrees (breaking a record set in 1992 by 7 degrees). The...

The Beat Goes On

More candidates that I hadn’t thought of for 50 worst songs (from Stereogum): Chris De Burgh “Lady in Red” (truly horrific) Patrick Swayze “She’s...

Ann Arbor Trivia

There’s a seven-minute (or so) segment in the bonus features on the DVD of Jeffrey Blitz’s 2002 documentary “Spellbound” that features a semifinalist from...

A First

Today, a first: a trio of homeless people kicking back with their cadged shopping carts in Frisinger Park. They must have been there because...


We drove past campus today and saw undergrads dutifully trundling their belongings out to sidewalks and cars, along with a few half-hearted, exhausted lawn...

503 Final

Done, done, done ….. up till hours I’m ashamed to divulge finishing it, but it’s done ….. don’t know how coherent the product is,...


The beagle is once again in his customary final exam support role, next to me down here in the basement as the wind from...

Ash to Ash

How long will it be before all the ash trees in southeastern Michigan die out? I heard a figure on the radio just now...

Prize Winners

This year’s Lyttle Lytton Prizes (a spinoff from the better-known Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest, sponsored every year by San Jose State University) have been announced....

Weather Prediction

Let’s see. Prediction from the National Weather Service: possibility of thunderstorms 20%; temperature will rise to 76 by noon then fall to 67; and...


This weather is almost astonishing in its California-ness. Blue skies, sunlight for most of the daylight hours, temperatures in the high 70s, and lots...


A random question (inspired by a recent srah post): Does anybody know of any good places to buy tea (as in loose-leaf or bags...

April 30

I’ve talked to a few of the second-year students in the past couple of days. The adjectives I’d use to describe them and the...


Apparently we’ve made it to another milestone: a listing in Google Directory. (We’re under Reference -> Libraries -> Library and Information Science -> Personal...

PhDs and Library Jobs

There’s a long column in yesterday’s Chronicle on Higher Education advising Ph.Ds on how to make the transition to librarianship, “because the library profession...


I lay in a hot tub for a half hour tonight and felt as though it were the first time I had had a...


My presentation was serviceable; it was supposed to clock in at 5 minutes and the professor signaled when I was going over the clock...

Lecturer Walkout

I went to Ambrosia this morning to sit and do some last-minute prepping for my final 643 presentation. A grad seminar (apparently in Mideast...