As I Keep Saying …..

Rain all week ….. the occasional patch of blue sky ….. even eerie fog and gloom on Tuesday (I think it was Tuesday). But no snow.


It’s supposed to snow 1 to 3 inches tonight. I’ll believe it when I see it.

Stuck in the Basement

Sadly, I haven’t actually ridden the bike in a month. What with the new drug for the arthritis, and the subsequent nasty allergic reaction to aforementioned drug, and the onset of cold and rain, the Bobcat is in the basement attached to the stationery stand, awaiting a more opportune time to get out and about. It probably won’t be this weekend; 1 to 2 inches of snow are predicted.

After the last time I rode the bike to work at the high school not far from my house, i had my appointment with the rheumatologist, who diagnosed ‘reactive arthritis’ and gave me sulfasalazine to get the inflammation in my joints down. I had an allergic reaction to that and am still not fully recovered.

Still, I plan to put on the snow tires and try some snow riding, if we actually get that much white stuff. I’m beginning to feel the effects of the lack of riding on my middle section, where my newly loose-fitting size 36s are now my very snug-fitting size 36s. It sucks.

Putting Them Down Like Horses

Apparently, « Imperial troops are putting wounded Iraqis out of their misery by shooting them in the head », kind of like you’d put down a horse:

‘A U.S. soldier pleaded guilty at his court-martial Friday to killing a severely wounded 16-year-old Iraqi, the military said. Staff Sgt. Johnny M. Horne Jr., 30, of Winston-Salem, N.C., was charged with the Aug. 18 slaying in Baghdad’s Sadr City, the scene of fierce clashes earlier this year between coalition forces and Shiite rebels allied to firebrand anti-U.S. cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.

‘According to accounts given by witnesses at previous hearings, the soldiers, including Horne, tried to rescue an Iraqi casualty from inside the truck. The victim had severe abdominal wounds and burns and was thought by several of the witnesses to be beyond medical help. The criminal investigator had said that the U.S. soldiers had decided that “the best course of action was to put (the victim) out of his misery.” Another military hearing into a soldier charged with killing another Iraqi in a separate August incident in Sadr City is expected to continue Friday.’

More prosecutions will be forthcoming:

‘Capt. Rogelio Maynulet, 29, of Chicago, will be tried on charges of assault with intent to commit murder and dereliction of duty, which carry a maximum combined sentence of 201/2 years, said military spokesman Maj. Michael Indovina. During Maynulet’s Article 32 hearing, witnesses testified that the driver had been shot in the head when Maynulet saw him. A fellow officer said Maynulet told him he then shot the man out of compassion.’

What a completely sordid, tragic mess.