
  • Institutionalized Bigotry

    « Here’s why it’s a matter of civil rights »: ‘Prudential Financial has been accused of discrimination after refusing to provide benefits to the legally married spouse of lesbian retiree. After her marriage in Canada, Laurel Awishus, a retired Prudential Financial employee … Continue reading →

  • Air America Radio

    Listening to the debut this afternoon of « Air America Radio » (the only alternative to the massive fascist domination of the airwaves) on XM167. So far, mildly entertaining. My first listen to Ed Schultz, who strikes me as an exact mirror-image … Continue reading →

  • Oozing From Every Pore

    Many people noticed yesterday a report on a « Houston man who was injured in a crash and lay paralyzed on a freeway for 36 hours before he was found »: ‘A motorist injured in a crash lay paralyzed in the middle … Continue reading →