
  • Traffic Nightmare

    I get homesick for the Bay Area every now and then, but not on days like this: Officials are continuing their negotiations with a man who has been standing on a railing on the westbound side of the Bay Bridge … Continue reading →

  • Scheduling Nightmare

    Next term doesn’t begin for almost five months but registration is already under way. I’ve registered for most of my classes already, but nobody has been able to explain why SI has decided that it’s not a problem to have … Continue reading →

  • Is That a Spine I Spy Underneath That Pink Tutu?!

    Well, for goodness’ sake! « Has Dashle FINALLY grown a spine?! »: ‘Mr. President, last week I spoke about the White House’s reaction to Richard Clarke’s testimony before the 9-11 Commission. I am compelled to rise again today, because the people around … Continue reading →