
  • All Kinds of Michigan Critters

    According to the radio, not only are cicadas on the way (though so far the hype has exceeded the reality), but gypsy moths, European chafers, Asian longhorn beetles, Japanese beetles, mosquitoes, and of course the pervasive emerald ash bore are … Continue reading →

  • Nature Report

    Still no cicadas to speak of. Steve says it’s not been consistently warm enough for them to want to come out. I have, however, seen lots of birds, including a number I can’t identify (I’m waiting for a field guide … Continue reading →

  • Two Untimely Departures

    Tony Randall passed on Monday, followed yesterday by Elvin Jones, probably the greatest drummer (never mind greatest “jazz drummer”) who ever lived. Jones was born in Pontiac and got his start in the Detroit jazz scene in 1949. He played … Continue reading →