
  • Ooopsie. Our Bad.

    How fun to get something like this in your e-mail box at midnight: ‘On Monday, May 17, the University of Michigan Administrative Information Services determined that a small selection of personal student data elements may have been exposed to some … Continue reading →

  • More Seattle Public Library Stuff

    More stuff on the Seattle Public Library from LISNews: The New Yorker calls the new central library “the most important new library to be built in a generation, and the most exhilarating.” The Seattle Post-Intelligencer has been trumpeting the new … Continue reading →

  • Huh?

    Today’s LISNews links to a New York Times article about, an intriguing site that allows you to track campaign contributions by neighborhood. This is information you can go down to any registrar’s office and legally view; nothing unusual except … Continue reading →