
  • By The Numbers

    The hagiography being written (presumably with an eye to sainthood and a spot on Rushmore, as well as his name on everything that will sit still and some things that won’t) claims the dearly departed had the highest approval ratings … Continue reading →

  • 66 For The Gipper

    He’s gone; I’m sorry I voted for him, but admire his commitment to public service; my extreme sympathies to Nancy (and every other family who has to deal with Alzheimer’s like my family did); and sure, he was likable and … Continue reading →

  • Voices

    ‘The first sight I got of the beach, I was looking through a sort of slit up there, and it looked like a pall of dust or smoke hanging over the beach.’ —Lt. Ray Nance, Executive Officer, 116th Infantry Regiment, … Continue reading →