Jesus Geek Superstar

The audacity, ignorance and outrageousness of « men like this » never cease to amaze me:

‘Marcavage never uses slurs to describe homosexuals; rather, he turns the word homosexual itself into a slur, using it as a sort of branding. He is a deliberate speaker, careful as any politician. But if he is diplomatic with his words, he uses them to advance a militant agenda. “According to the Scriptures, it’s the government’s job to enforce God’s law and to uphold his law, and the Bible talks about how, I don’t want to really get into this — it’ll make me sound like I’m crazy — but it does talk about how [homosexuals] are to be put to death. The wages of sin is death. But I want to make [it] clear that I’m not advocating the [independent] killing of homosexuals. … I’m saying that the government’s duty is to uphold God’s law. … I know that’s harsh, but we have all broken the law, God’s law, and we need to be held accountable.”

By ‘held accountable,’ he means ‘kill ‘em! Kill ‘em all!!!’


Another Michigan Driver is Inaugurated

On the AP wire this afternoon we see a charming story about a « Four-year-old Michigan boy who drove to the video store » (and back) in the middle of the night:

‘A boy drove his mother’s car to a video store in the middle of the night, police said — and he’s all of 4 years old. Even though he was unable to reach the accelerator, the boy managed to put the car in gear and the idling engine provided enough power to take him slowly to the store, a quarter-mile from his home, about 1:30 a.m. Friday, Police Chief Doug Heugel said. Finding the store closed, the youngster began a slow trip home. Weaving and with its headlights off, the car got the attention of police Sgt. Jay Osga, who initially thought he was following a driverless car that had taken off after being left running at a gas pump. The car turned into the boy’s apartment complex and struck two parked cars, then backed up and struck Osga’s police car.’

And, yes, you know I’m going to say it … the kid did better on his trip than most Michigan drivers I see on the streets every single day. Ppppptttttttt.