Post Mortem

From the brink of tasting victory to the abyss of defeat …

Shellshocked. The only word to describe the feeling this morning, not only in my own head, but it feels like everywhere I look. ASquared is not a particularly happy village this morning. The skies are overcast and the chill of oncoming winter is in the air. The conversation on the bus was bitterness about Kerry conceding too soon and ignoring the provisional ballots in neighboring Ohio (though frankly the likelihood of those ballots making a statistical difference was nil or close to it). The campus was practically deserted and people on cell phones were expressing incredulity about the closeness of the results. The GovDocs room was a graveyard, except for one lone student who bent ober his laptop in sleep-deprived despair and mumbled about his feelings of misery to a friend who walked by (the friend was ebullient, so he probably voted for Bush). A worker in the pharmacy at Village Apothecary joked that he should have driven to Ohio to cast his ballot there so he could have affected the total.

Then there’s Proposal 2, which I don’t even want to talk about. How can people be so cruel?

01:30: Tired

I’m tired and very discouraged at the moment. But. I’ve kept this ‘blog for over three years as a documentation of the Boy Emperor’s excesses. But I don’t know if I can continue for four more years.

I’ve slacked off lately only because of my hands. I was just simply trying to get to this night. And now … Imperial citizens just extended the agony. I’m not represented in this country any longer. I don’t see myself in the US anymore. I don’t see myself fitting in in almost any way. I don’t see myself in Canada or anywhere else either, but the alienation with the US is pretty extreme.

The next year could be very interesting.


Crashed. And burned. Ohio looks gone, Iowa is teetering. Four years of fascism and extremism. 11 states completely destroyed their gay and straight unmarried couples and their families. The Freeper gloating will be extreme. Rehnquist will be retiring immediately after he administers the oath of office at the re-coronation and the Supreme Court will begin to fall.

And I’m not kidding here or going off half-cocked or employing hyperbole. I’m seriously trying to figure out how to get across the border to Canada.

All this even as imperial troops pound Iraq, car bombs are going off in Baghdad, our troops are dropping like flies and I may be caught up in a special skills draft before I turn 44.

We need a miracle now.

23:34: We Switch Channels

TV ‘news’ drives me nuts. I discover that we can pick up the CBC in Windsor with the rabbit ears. We bail on ABC and their ultra-annoying coverage. I can only imagine what the others are like; ABC is about the best of the bunch. And that’s so very sad.

Oh, Canada!

23:23: A Change in Mood

Sinking feeling. 94% of the precincts in Florida are in and there is a 300,000+ lead for the emperor. Kerry is running behind in Ohio as well. If he loses Ohio, it’s pretty much all over.

Not a good night. At this point, my cautious optimism has given way to quiet alarm.

21:45 | Emperor Trickiness

The Boy Emperor announces an unprecedented event: he invites the press into the White House’s intimate setting so he can use the power of the office to address people still voting in open states and beg for their vote.

First, it’s outrageous, typical of him. Second, it’s a sign, to me, that Rove et. al. is a bit nervous about either the electoral vote or the popular vote or perhaps both. As Peter Jennings on ABC said, he may be looking for an overwhelming popular vote mandate, an erasure of the 2000 fraud.

And god help us all if he gets a so-called mandate to stay on the throne. You think this four years was rough? Stay around for Part Deaux. Jeebus.

20:00: More Polls Called

And now more states are called. Kerry has 77 EVs and Bush 66. So far, so good.

CNN’s coverage is beyond awful. And I’m NOT tuning in to the Fascist News Network for love or money, until it’s time to see their downfallen, crestfallen faces when Kerry gives his victory speech.

Mood remains cautiously optimistic.