The Unclothed Emperor and His Flip-Flopping

Even as the mighty rightwing fascist talking points organizations try to paint John Kerry as a ‘flip-flopper,’ « CNN takes note (amazingly) of the Boy Emperor’s notable flip flops »:

‘Some previous Bush reversals in the face of criticism:
» He argued a federal Department of Homeland Security wasn’t needed, then devised a plan to create one.
» He resisted a commission to investigate Iraq intelligence failures, but then relented.
» He also initially opposed the creation of the independent commission to examine if the 2001 attacks could have been prevented, before getting behind the idea under pressure from victims’ families.
» He opposed, and then supported, a two-month extension of the commission’s work, after the panel said protracted disputes over access to White House documents left too little time.
» He at first said any access to the president by the commission would be limited to just one hour but relaxed the limit earlier this month.’

Exactly. And those aren’t the only ones, just the ones related to 9/11. The Boy Emperor, when faced with a fight, runs like a scared rabbit hightailing it to a hole in Nebraska. He’s not only a flip-flopper, but a coward. Like with any bully on the block, if you just stand up to him and say, ‘Boo!’ he’ll run home to mommy. It’s time we Amurricans grew spines and tossed this ignorant weakling back to Texas where he belongs.

Institutionalized Bigotry

« Here’s why it’s a matter of civil rights »:

‘Prudential Financial has been accused of discrimination after refusing to provide benefits to the legally married spouse of lesbian retiree. After her marriage in Canada, Laurel Awishus, a retired Prudential Financial employee who worked for the company for 20 years, sought to enroll her spouse of nearly 22 years, Kathy Adelsheim, in the medical benefits program offered to the company’s retirees and spouses. Prudential Financial, headquartered in Newark, New Jersey, offers benefits to the domestic partners of gay and lesbian employees, but says that it only offers those benefits in retirement if the employee retired after January 1, 2000 when it implemented the program. Straight spouses are entitled to benefits regardless of their retirement date. “We are a married couple and should be treated as such. I worked for Prudential for 20 years and have a lot of respect for them, but I can’t respect they way they are treating us right now,” Awishus said. “One of the reasons I’m in this precarious spot is that 19 years ago I moved with Laurel to New Jersey when the company transferred her. I left a promising career behind—that included benefits. I wasn’t treated like a spouse then because we weren’t married. Now we’re married, and that should be respected,” she said.’

Do NOT tell me it doesn’t matter or it’s not about civil rights. Stuff that.

Last week, I received a snarky notice from the Michigan Teachers Retirement system which said that Frank was a ‘non-eligible’ beneficiary and any retirement benefits due would be paid to someone else upon my death. We face discrimination like this every single day, thanks to organized religion-induced fear and loathing in Amurrica. It’s a daily slog through a mine-field of finding ways around institutionalized bigotry in order to protect my family and it’s past time for it to stop.

Air America Radio

Listening to the debut this afternoon of « Air America Radio » (the only alternative to the massive fascist domination of the airwaves) on XM167. So far, mildly entertaining. My first listen to Ed Schultz, who strikes me as an exact mirror-image opposite of Rush Limbaugh. At first I thought it was the hillbilly heroin pill-popper himself, in fact, and I almost changed the channel.

Still, it’s lovely to hear a contrarian viewpoint on radio for the first time in 25-20 years of having to listen to the fascists. This is the best I’ve felt since 12-Dec-00 … you can feel good too, if you have XM Satellite Radio … or visit the website and use RealPlayer (although « Atrios » readers are reporting some streaming problems this afternoon due to high demand).

Oozing From Every Pore

Many people noticed yesterday a report on a « Houston man who was injured in a crash and lay paralyzed on a freeway for 36 hours before he was found »:

‘A motorist injured in a crash lay paralyzed in the middle of a freeway with a broken neck for 36 hours before he was rescued. Ed Theisen’s body was blocked from view by Gulf Freeway traffic barricades in this Houston suburb. The 46-year-old survived a night alone on the concrete, unable to move or summon help. “Someone riding in the back of a pickup truck spotted him and called police,” Debora Rodeffer-Theisen, his wife, said Monday after her husband emerged from surgery. “The officer poked him with a nightstick thinking he was a dead body, but he was there and he was very much alive.”’

‘Police wrote an accident report after Theisen disappeared, saying he had walked away from the scene, his wife said. She said the tow truck driver who hauled off Theisen’s car did not see him. Rodeffer-Theisen, relatives and friends were plastering their neighborhood with fliers when they got word that he was alive. Rodeffer-Theisen called Memorial Hermann Hospital. “They said, ‘We have him here and he is alive and he saying he loves you,’” she said. “He was covered in Houston pollution—it was coming out of every pore—but he was alive.”’

While it is remarkable that the man was just lying there for 36 hours, it is understandable (somewhat), the unfortunate chain of events that produced the situation.

What is not understandable and even more appalling to me is that last sentence, ’He was covered in Houston pollution—it was coming out of every pore …’ Well, oh my lord! I knew folks needed lights sometimes to drive at noon (my aunt among them), but I had no idea it was this bad. Am I the only one who is sickened by this?

George W. must be so proud …

First They Came For Our Cocks …

Meanwhile, just down the road from Muskogee in Henryetta, an Okie ‘democrat’ (in the same vein that Zell Miller is a ‘democrat’) is spitting mad because the « Oklahoma Supreme Court unanimously upheld the ban on cockfighting »:

‘The Oklahoma Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld the constitutionality of the cockfighting ban approved by Oklahoma voters in 2002. The ruling ends a battle, at least for now, that began in 1999 with the circulation of an initiative petition to prohibit cockfighting in Oklahoma. An effort will be made in the Legislature to lessen the penalties for cockfighting. … In a 7-0 opinion, the Supreme Court upheld the ban’s constitutionality.’

’[Frank] Shurden, D-Henryetta, said he still is working on SB 835 for presentation to the Legislature this session. Last year he sent it back to conference, apparently because he needed to make changes to obtain enough votes to pass it in the Senate. Shurden said the opponents of cockfighting are taking away American traditions. “Next it will be hunting, fishing and rodeos,” Shurden said.’
The Daily Oklahoman

That’s right, Frank. Blasted activist judges! Yup, they’re goin’ after our bloody roosters, then our babies, then our bulls, then our guns, then our god and all we’ll be left with is flamin’ homos getting married in our churches while we weep as Communist Red Army troops hold AK-47s to our heads and make us watch.

If ever there was a clueless Okie, Frank Shurden is surely it.

Under Pressure

I’m struggling valiantly to get back in the swim of things here. Between « substitute teaching and preparing for grad school » and working for « clients » and dealing with the increasing bugginess I’m feeling as spring inches ever so slowly forward (this is the first week that I’ve begun to really be creeped a bit by the lack of sunshine) in « Ann Arbor », I’ve been neglecting my posting.

Let’s rectify that this afternoon, shall we?

First Day of Spring

It was a little chilly and blustery, but not bad. The best part was all the bright sunshine, which came after early morning thunderstorms which woke me up around 4:30 a.m. with two big loud thunderclaps.

We took the dog to check out Bird Hill Park, which is supposedly the largest in AA, but parking areas were muddy and trails were dirt, which meant more mud. We found one parking area off Newport Road, but an unleashed Doberman was being allowed full use, so we scrubbed that.

We ended up at Barton Dam Park, where there were lots of dogs, but it wasn’t too bad. We explored the area, which is really kinda nice, wore out the dog and then I drove through the Country Club area, which has a ‘private road’ posted with very obnoxious signs that might as well have said ‘you’re not a rich bitch in an SUV so you have no bidness up in here with us rich white folk. We got some stares, but I drove on through anyway. At one point, some snooty woman in a Suburban on her cell phone pulled out of the country club parking lot and followed us all the way out and through town. I thought she might use her phone to report that riff-raff were trying to drive through her snot town.

We scored many mega videos at the Mallett’s Creek branch library and came home.

Today is cold, blustery and not as sunny. Frank went to the store, dropped a bag and broke a jar of jelly and some eggs. Didn’t have a good trip. He made breakfast and now I’m going to take a long bath and then work on the site while watching movies.

Redesign Pretty Much Done

The site redesign, which took me two laborious weeks, is for all intents and purposes finished. How I’m gonna keep up all these ‘blogs, I dunno, but it’s a nice concept and let’s me do some different creative things, especially writing for writing’s sake.

It’s cold and snowy. I woke up with a sinus headache and having to face the fourth graders from hell. It was painful, but I made it through okay, then went to CVS and got some naproxen and came home and took it and a nap. Got up at 7, kinda groggy, but I’ve been wide awake since and got quite a bit of work done.

Biggest pressing issues now are to come up with text for the consulting section, finish all those tedious galleries and do two design choices for Casa Emdeko and especially to get cracking on FII stuff, they’ve waited far too long.

But it’s almost 01:00 and I’m toasted …

Redesigned Rants

The redesign is finally pretty much finished, with just minor tweaking to go. Like it?

Let’s see what’s happening in our glorious empire today, shall we?

Looks like the assault on the last minority it is acceptable to hate continues apace in the federal bureaucracy «as the Special Fascist Counsel strips gay and lesbian federal workers of job protections»:

‘Gay and lesbians in the entire federal workforce have had their job protections officially removed by the office of Special Counsel. The new Special Counsel, Scott Bloch, says his interpretation of a 1978 law intended to protect employees and job applicants from adverse personnel actions is that gay and lesbian workers are not covered. Bloch said that the while a gay employee would have no recourse for being fired or demoted for being gay, that same worker could not be fired for attending a gay Pride event. In his interpretation, Bloch is making a distinction between one’s conduct as a gay or lesbian and one’s status as a gay or lesbian.’

Why don’t they just lump stuff like this and the FMA (Fascist Marriage Amendment) into one great package and name them what they are … Amerikkka’s Nuremberg Laws? I think I’ll start cutting out my pink triangles now so I can get them sewn on all my clothes now. Will save time later.

Especially since «the idea of a gay purge was seriously floated in Tennessee today»:

‘The county that was the site of the Scopes “Monkey Trial” over the teaching of evolution is asking lawmakers to amend state law so the county can charge homosexuals with crimes against nature. The Rhea County commissioners approved the request 8-0 Tuesday. Commissioner J.C. Fugate, who introduced the measure, also asked the county attorney to find a way to enact an ordinance banning homosexuals from living in the county. “We need to keep them out of here,” Fugate said.’

The Nazis had a word for such purges of Jews from the Reich: Judenrein, or Free of Jews. And today, people are seriously pushing to make Rhea County, Tennessee Gayrein. What century is this?

I think I’ll start wearing that pink triangle if Rhea County succeeds in its fascist purge and especially if the FMA passes the House. It’s time to start calling this filth what it is and to hold its purveyors accountable.

Turning to other news, «the Boy Emperor received his greatest endorsement today: Al Qaeda want Bush ‘re-elected’ in November»:

‘The statement said it supported … Bush in his reelection campaign, and would prefer him to win in November rather than the Democratic candidate John Kerry, as it was not possible to find a leader “more foolish than you (Bush), who deals with matters by force rather than with wisdom.” In comments addressed to Bush, the group said: “Kerry will kill our nation while it sleeps because he and the Democrats have the cunning to embellish blasphemy and present it to the Arab and Muslim nation as civilization.” “Because of this we desire you (Bush) to be elected.” The group said its cells were ready for another attack and time was running out for allies of the United States. “Whose turn is it next? Will it be Japan or America, or Italy, Britain or Oslo or Australia?” the statement said, adding Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were also targets.’
Yahoo News

Isn’t that grand? Foreign democratic leaders support Kerry; Al Qaeda likes our chief Fascist because he plays right into their hands. That pretty much sums it up for me.

Back in the empire, «the movement to censure the Boy Emperor is building»:

‘Families of soldiers serving, as well as of those who have been casualties, in the occupation of Iraq came to Capitol Hill today with other volunteers, urging Congress to censure … George W. Bush. Meanwhile, volunteers carried petitions that filled 18 large boxes, signed so far by 560,340 members of from every congressional district, to each office in the House of Representatives, reinforcing the demand for a censure resolution. The groups also displayed print and TV ads that will begin running this week. “My son, Army Lt. Seth Dvorin, who died last month while serving in Iraq, met his responsibility to the nation he loved,” said Sue Niederer of Pennington, NJ. “As his mother, I am joining hundreds of thousands of Americans today in asking that the Congress of the United States meet its responsibility, as well.” Tom Andrews, national director of Win Without War, said the combined activities represent an escalation of efforts that will continue. “The truth matters. By not holding [the Boy Emperor] accountable, the Congress is saying it doesn’t. This is unacceptable,” said Andrews, a former congressman and member of the Armed Services Committee.’ …
‘Speaking for herself and other military families, Ms. Niederer said: “Our message to Congress today is clear: spare us the platitudes, the pious rhetoric, the empty slogans. Give us the truth. Do your job and hold those accountable who have denied us the truth. Censure … Bush for the deceptions and manipulations that led our nation to war. You owe the American people, my son and all those patriots who have sacrificed for their nation no less.”’
PR Newswire

I agree. «Everyone should go sign the censure petition immediately.». The first step in regaining our country is to hold the fascists accountable. Go, do your duty lad!

Good night, y’all.

Artemis Comes Home

Artemis is to be cremated today and finally gets to come home to rest. Hard to believe she’s gone. I still get kinda weepy whenever I think about her and I know the pain that Don and Jean and Linda must be feeling today. I wish I could do something.

Because I’ve been there before. Sugar, my little adorable mutt, was shot in the leg by some asshole when we were taking one of our usual walks in the woods behind our house in the country east of Duncan when I was 13. We took her to the vet, but short of major surgery (with no guarantee she could walk again) and expense (which we didn’t have), there was nothing that could be done. She had to be put down. I bawled and squalled and left her lying there so the vet could do the deed. Truly one of the worst experiences of my life. It still has the power to hurt me some 27 years later.

Losing Artemis is certainly worse. Just as losing Bayley will be. Unlike Sugar, he came to me as a puppy of just seven weeks old and we’ve shared close quarters ever since. With the exception of my travels (the longest of which was two weeks), we’ve spent every day of almost 10 years together. Don had the same thing with Artemis over 14 years. Sugar came to me as a mutt and I had her maybe two years or so. Losing Artemis is so much worse, almost like losing a child.

Dog non-lovers, like my family, will never, ever understand it, even as they condescendingly dismiss it or lash out at it. Yes, they are ‘just’ dogs, but they’re also so much more than that. And until you’ve experienced that unconditional love and support and dependence and trust, you have no right to talk.

I suppose the deed must done by now and she’s safely back home. I can’t believe she’s gone. Beagles are getting extra hugs today.

Cough Getting Better

The cough is finally better today. I think the key must be the inhaler. Is my asthma actually going to be this much worse up here? If so, gonna be a long year-and-a-half. Also helping is Actifed and cough syrup.

But geez. This is the third round of this mess I’ve had since we moved here. There must some native flora that massively disagrees with me. I’m really sick of this stuff.


I had a vivid dream this morning. We lived in Palm Springs and so did my parents. Frank and I went out for our anniversary dinner and I asked him if he was having fun. He said, ‘Eh,’ and I got upset and left.

We drove over to my parents, who we thought weren’t home. I began making coffee, and then suddenly Scott drove up in a TransAm and started talking to us. Suddenly my dad came out of the bedroom and was talking to himself, then he left.

There was a cobweb infestation all over the front garage of their house. I took a broom to the webs, but they were respun almost as fast as I could clear them. Scott and Frank were just sitting in the living room talking.

I think my mother came in, and then I woke up.

I’m sure Freud could have fun with that one.

Farewell, Artemis the Sweet

Picture of Artemis of the Hunt

The rainy weather here in Ann Arbor is appropriately weepy this morning. It is with a very heavy heart that I have to note the passing of Artemis, the sweetest, most wonderful black lab in the world.

Artemis’ dad, Don, called me this morning from Oklahoma City with the news that she left us Friday after an exhausting battle against cancer. She was 14.

Artemis of the Hunt was born in Bristow, OK, on 23-Dec-89. I remember when they brought puppy Artie home to Duncan; she was so sweet, with those big paws and gangly legs. We had so much fun. I always referred to her as my one and only girlfriend. It was extremely sad when they moved away in 1992; but we still got to see each other fairly often even as I moved around the country, and she would sometimes sleep with me on the twin guest bed, which was always a fun experience having a very large and heavy lab jump on your legs in the middle of the night. I miss that feeling.

We saw Artie-moose last August, on our way from San Francisco to Ann Arbor. She was as sweet as ever, just showing the effects of her age. She still was able to jump into the back seat of Don’s car when they got ready to go somewhere, happy and eager to get on the road. It was wonderful to see that again.

She was always wonderful with Bayley, only once putting him in his place (and he certainly needed it on that occasion). He’s not much on other dogs, but with Cousin Artemis, he was pretty content.

She spent quite some time in northern Michigan near Traverse City with her mom, Linda. Galloping through the forests and swimming and canoeing and sailing, she always had a spectacular time up there and loved Michigan.

I’ll never forget the joyful abandon she displayed when jumping into water. My fondest memories of her are when she jumped full-tilt into Clear Creek Lake near Duncan while we were sailing, while fetching sticks. And the shower of water that cascaded off of her as she shook herself after getting out invariably doused everyone and everything within miles. Those were grand days.

But now, after a very full and long life of giving everyone around her such joy and happiness, she’s finally at rest, no longer in pain, having been the bestest black lab ever.

And we send warm hugs and sympathy to her dad, Don, and to Jean and to Linda, who will all miss her terribly.

Thank you, Artemis. We’ll fill the holes in our hearts with the wonderful memories you gave us. Sleep well, my girlfriend.