
  • Overwhelmed at the Waltz

    Goose was overwhelmed by all the hounds at the Basset Waltz and needed lots of lap time and reassurance. But he had a great time and enjoyed meeting everyone! Posted by Steve Pollock on Saturday, June 4, 2016

  • Meditative

    Meanwhile, The Clown Prince is in a meditative mood on the way to the Basset Waltz. Look out, for #GooseIsLoose ! Posted by Steve Pollock on Saturday, June 4, 2016

  • Headed to Basset Waltz

    His Imperial Highness #IAmTheRoux wishes his loyal subjects to know he has begun his royal progress to Basset Waltz and shall arrive shortly with maximum hysterics. That is all. Posted by Steve Pollock on Saturday, June 4, 2016