
  • We Never Win Anything

    Weekend Magazine, The Michigan Daily’s, well, weekend magazine, put out its Best of Ann Arbor issue today and a very well-deserved Best Blog award was given to Rob over at Goodspeed Update. We weren’t even mentioned. Alas. I’m beyond crushed. … Continue reading →

  • A Sudden Dark Age

    Technology is a wonderful thing … until it crashes and burns spectacularly. We’ve had our own problems (obviously) with technology here around the manse this week; the crash of our Movable Type CMS punted us back into the dark ages … Continue reading →

  • Another Note

    Until I straighten out the fight between Movable Type and Textpattern over my single SQL database, older comments you may have made on posts will not be available, but they are not lost. However, the commenting system is working fine, … Continue reading →