
  • April 29 ….. Calling April 29 …..

    The nightmare that is the last few weeks of school is almost over ….. yet it seems right now as though it will never be over. April 29 seems very far away.

  • Turning Off the Tube

    We no longer have cable, so we’re already unwittingly doing it, but if you have cable and are of a mind to do this, it’s something to consider. [Link courtesy LibraryJuice.]

  • The Very Long Hike

       [First pic: We’re going somewhere? Now? YAHOO!!! Second pic: Ummmm, this is a really long hike, dude. Third pic: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!] Today, we demanded too much of the geriatric and overweight in our house. And I’m not referring to myself … Continue reading →