
  • Harbingers

    We drove past campus today and saw undergrads dutifully trundling their belongings out to sidewalks and cars, along with a few half-hearted, exhausted lawn parties sputtering along and a ton of “For Rent” signs all the way from the center … Continue reading →

  • Ann Arbor Book Festival

    Maybe we didn’t give it enough of a chance, but I was kind of underwhelmed by the Ann Arbor Book Festival today. (It fills a portion of North University for a couple of days every year around this time.) There … Continue reading →

  • Horrifying Thought

    I’m really, really going to have to take (and see through) 502 next winter. Damn. Having said that, I know (especially now that the term’s essentially over) that there’s no way on God’s green earth I could have taken it … Continue reading →