
  • Patterns

    Today was significantly more crowded around campus than yesterday. Not sure why; was Monday the tail end of a three-day weekend? Anyway, it’ll be interesting to try to get a read on the traffic patterns in the next few days … Continue reading →

  • Too Much Education In This Here State

    I read on one Okie blog that respondents to a poll on that site voted that computer access and refrigeration are more important than indoor plumbing. Let’s just say that it was an unscientific poll and leave it at that. … Continue reading →

  • Media Matters

    Former rightwing attack shill David Brock has « a new website, Media Matters », ostensibly dedicated to combating the same Fascist claptrap he used to produce. How the worm turns. Still, donkeys are flying; let’s not criticize them too much … Continue reading →