
  • Welcome to Colorado Springs, AKA Munich 1933

    Thomas Jefferson wasn’t perfect, but he was on to a good thing when he wrote that separation of church and state was a good and desirable thing. Case in point is Colorado, an increasingly Fascist FunDumbMentalist state where « a … Continue reading →

  • Save Us, Jesus, From Your Followers

    Finally, some religious leaders state the obvious … the Boy Emperor has little moral authority in spite of waving bleedin’ Jesus on the cross around like a billyclub, « and the doin’s in Iraq make it worse »: ‘The abuse … Continue reading →

  • On Our Number One Export

    The Torture Roundup for tonight: « A pregnant Lynddie England gets hung out to dry ». She’s been turned into the face of American torture by the media and the military, her family is angry at the military, angry at … Continue reading →