
  • Pardon Our Dust

    Pardon the mess around here, but we’re getting very close to finishing this one off. As of today, you can read the main posts, but other things may be wonkiy or not work. I still have to work on archives … Continue reading →

  • An Open Letter to Michigan Weather

    Yesterday, I left work and it was raining, and it was even approaching cold out. Glad I wore a long-sleeved shirt. Today, on the way to work, it was back to high 70s and high humidity. Glad I got my … Continue reading →

  • The Cicada Hype Machine

    Re the recent cicada infestation, the eminent arbiters of the New York Times have pontifically decreed that it was all a huge hypefest: This article is based on the latest available scientific information, which is: If you haven’t seen your … Continue reading →