
  • T Minus Less than a Week

    Much more temperate today than it’s been the past few days. I enjoy the sunlight and the warmth as long as there’s a dip in the humidity and there’s a breeze, or even a wind. I had lunch at Frank’s … Continue reading →

  • Bush in the UP

    Bush was today driven in a campaign bus around the UP. The first appearance of a president in that part of the state since Howard Taft visited in 1911, according to the Washington Post. (Fact-checked though that factoid must have … Continue reading →

  • Another Reason I Listen to the BBC

    The announcer deriding the American pronunciation of the word “soccer” (“sah-kuh”), a word which is already in itself apparently an object of derision because the word the rest of the world uses is “football.” (And then he says “George W. … Continue reading →