
  • At the Altar of the Blues

    One thing that I’ve really learned in my time in southeast Michigan is an increased appreciation for the blues. You have blues played on the radio and blues festivals in the Bay Area, to be sure, although for historical reasons … Continue reading →

  • Cock of the Walk

    The students are definitely back. About the only thing that hasn’t happened yet is the start of classes, so the mad throngs of students filing across central campus haven’t materialized yet, but otherwise the “quiet” of summer is pretty much … Continue reading →

  • Retro Post—21-Aug-03 #2

    [It’s aSquared’s First Birthday … we’re celebrating by looking back at events from a year ago … skip these retro posts if you’re not into sentimentality.] My second visit to Lexington, which I think is rather a pretty place … … Continue reading →