
  • History as Prophecy

    I have been attempting to read «Michael Burleigh’s The Third Reich: A New History» since it came out in 2000. Instead, I’ve read «William Shirer’s The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich» twice. Nothing wrong with anything I’ve read of Burleigh’s work; quite the contrary. In fact, it has to do with how big…

  • Dean Allen, RIP (Jan. 2018)

    Because so much has been messed up and unstuck during the first half of this god-awful year, I just discovered the other day that Dean Allen, the creator of Textpattern, which powers this site, and of TextDrive, which used to … Continue reading →

  • Latest Bad News: Sascha

    Did you ever have one of “those” years? For me, 1993 was my, as the Queen said, “annus horribilus.” But 2018 is… Posted by Steve Pollock on Tuesday, May 15, 2018