
  • Sieg …

    “DEEPLY OFFENDED that a child refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance bc freedom is all about mandatory loyalty oaths.” Continue reading →

  • Stupor Bowl Sunday As It Happens Happened

    “19:56: We popped over to the Puppy Bowl in time for some nauseating exploitation. But I hope it helps some puppies. “19:57: Fourth first down? They’re showing signs of life? And Romo is a totally sarcastic smartass. And the Rams get one more first down. “20:02: Suddenly Rams show a spark. But McCordy smacks the…

  • His Majesty Objects

    “After some interminably loud defending the walls of the castle, HIM the Roux comes inside and complains for 15 minutes to us churls about Townes very existence in the Royal Orbit. Part of the Complaint revolves around the undisputed Treasonous Conduct of us churls in Divers Huggings and Walkings and Flauntings of the Dangerous Interloper…