I think we’re finally getting a handle on this TextDrive/TextPattern thing and it’s beyond cool, once they get the jams kicked out.
Now that TextPattern is working again for the most part and the servers are reasonably stable (momentary e-mail hiccup was tonight’s problem), I was able to add the other airbeagle domains that I’ve had for a couple of years but always just had parked, unused, at GoDaddy.
So yet another redesign is in the works for next week, my last free week before I start grad school. And this one is a doozy, involving multiple domains as well as the usual graphical stuff. The plans:
This ‘blog, which is all fiery political and stuff, will move to its own domain: airbeagle.us, which I’ll use exclusively for that kind of thing.
AirBeagle.com will see diminished usage; it will become mainly a site for my resume.
AirBeagle.biz will be the site for information about my communications consulting activities.
The main activity will be centered on AirBeagle.net, which will be a network of our blogs, including aSquared, the education blog about my adventures in grad school and teaching and so on.
I haven’t quite decided what to put on AirBeagle.org; I’m still thinking that one through. The most likely thing is the list of soldiers/sailors sacrificed to the Boy Emperor’s extremism, which I desperately need to update.
I’m also considering StevePollock.info or .us for biographical and more inward-looking blogging.
But we’re already pretty dang narcissistic around here already …
Auto redirects will be put in place so you won’t reach deadends; you’ll just have to watch where you end up and adjust bookmarks accordingly.
It’s all so much higgledy-piggledy fun!