Sabre Rattling

While we’re all tied up in knots over suicidal nuts with explosives who kill 50 people at a time, « somebody else is talking about nuking millions of Americans »:

‘China is willing to use nuclear weapons against the United States if it is attacked in a conflict over Taiwan, a senior Chinese military official said last night. “If the Americans draw their missiles and position-guided ammunition on to the target zone on China’s territory, I think we will have to respond with nuclear weapons,” Zhu Chenghu, a major general in the People’s Liberation Army, said at an official press briefing for foreign journalists. General Zhu, a well-known hawk who has said before that China could strike the US with long-ranged missiles, said his comments were “my assessment”, and not the “policy of the Government”. Nevertheless, his threat, in which he emphasised that China’s definition of its territories included warships and aircraft, is the first time for a decade that a senior official in Beijing has used such provocative rhetoric.’
The Times of London

Meanwhile, the Chinese have gobbled up IBM and are now taking aim at Unocal. And liberals and Muslim shoe bombers are the biggest threats to our national security?

Hello? Is the Emperor listening?

70s Has-Been, Corvette, Mobile Home, Pit Bulls, Drugs. Yeah.

It simply doesn’t get any more clichéd than « this »:

‘Victor Edward Willis, the original policeman and lead singer from the Village People, had a chance to find out firsthand this week after he was arrested when police discovered a gun and drugs in his car during a traffic stop in Daly City, California. Willis was was arrested late Monday after police turned up a loaded .45, crack cocaine and drug paraphernalia while searching his convertible Corvette. … When police searched the “Macho Man” singer’s home at the Franciscan Mobile Home Park in Daly City, they found cocaine residue, more drug paraphernalia and two pit bulls locked in the bedroom.’
Associated Press

Good lord.

Up and Running

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