Democrats Purged From North Carolina Church

« WLOS », an ABC affiliate in western North Carolina, is reporting interesting news:

‘Religion and Politics Clash: Religion and politics clash over a local church’s declaration that Democrats are not welcome. East Waynesville Baptist asked nine members to leave. Now 40 more have left the church in protest. Former members say Pastor Chan Chandler gave them the ultimatum, saying if they didn’t support George Bush, they should resign or repent. The minister declined an interview with News 13. But he did say “the actions were not politically motivated.” There are questions about whether the bi-laws were followed when the members were thrown out. (posted at 7:30am, 5/6/05)’

Unconfirmed, unsubstantiated talk on the ‘net is that WLOS produced a report in which ‘several elderly church members’ were interviewed and that they ‘all confirmed that the preacher has been after them to support Bush since October and that if they voted for John Kerry they supported abortion and gay marriage.’

We’ll see if this one gets better sourced later today.

Class of 2005

Yes, it’s finally over. I still haven’t seen one of my final grades, but barring some unforeseen disaster, I think I can safely say it’s over – grad school, that is. What a strange feeling not to have constant overlapping and infinite looming deadlines, ill-defined professorial expectations, nausea-inducing pressure, and a calendar packed with meetings, appointments, classes, tests, and study groups for the first time in, oh, six months or more. Those who think graduate school is a serene, monastic environment where calm, deliberative intellectual exchange is the highest goal are sadly deluded. I know I myself was afflicted with that delusion not too long ago—until I started grad school, that is.

It didn’t help matters, admittedly, that asthma chose the last six months of my time at SI to really put the boot on my neck. Of course, when you’re a grad student, things like medical appointments seem to become secondary. You keep your calendar (if you have time to keep one) on the basis of the next assignment or paper due, the next study group meeting, the next test, the next presentation. So I let things get somewhat out of hand. Fortunately, I have got the right meds now to deal with the problem, and the asthma is pretty much under control.

So what now? Well, I’m working part-time at the Government Documents Center and the Scholarly Publishing Office this summer and beyond. It’s going to take some time to get used to the new routine, but it’s something I’m looking forward to.