Homer Simpson Works for Virgin Blue

An ‘incendiary device’ discovered on a Virgin Blue 737 in Sydney « may (or may not) have been a hoax ».

But buried in the article on the find is this priceless ‘graph:

‘A baggage handler found the device on Monday in the cargo hold of the plane when it landed in Sydney after an internal flight from the state of Queensland. He then breached security procedures by carrying it into the terminal.

What a prize idiot. Glad to see they have ‘em down under and they’re not just running around the Empire.

Jumbo Jet

It was inevitable, I just wondered how long it would take. « Southwest Airlines has been sued over its oversize passenger policy »:

‘An Oakland man who describes himself as being of “ample proportion” is suing Southwest Airlines, accusing the carrier of humiliating him by asking him to buy a second seat. Lionel Bea, 40, said in a lawsuit filed in Alameda County Superior Court that a Southwest employee asked him whether he could fit in one seat before boarding a flight from Oakland to Los Angeles on Sept. 28. When Bea, a Southwest frequent flier, said, “Yes, is there a problem?” the employee said he would have to sell him another seat because of company policy “regarding passengers too large to fit in one seat,” according to the lawsuit filed earlier this month.’

In Which I Whine A Bit


Finishing a two-week guest teaching stint at a northwest Ann Arbor middle school.

Seventh grade social studies. Some of the kids weren’t even born when Bush 41 got his butt handed back to him by Bill Clinton (thanks, Ross!).

Hands/wrists still messed up, so trying not to use them too much, even though it’s next to impossible.

When toilets need fixing and one has to drive to work and beagles need bathing and Dremel-ing and ‘blogs have to be updated and clients have to be satisfied and meals have to be made and so on and so on and so on, well, one must use one’s hands.

Surgeon doesn’t know at this point if I have CTS or if there is a disease of the cartilage in the wrist. Nerve conduction test is next week, followed by an MRI on 7-Oct.

And speaking of MRIs, what is UP with the University of Michigan hospital scheduling said procedures at frickin’ MIDNIGHT?! I have to report for the MRI at 11:50 p.m. at the hospital on 7-Oct. Yeesh.

Meanwhile, onward and upward. I’ve had some fun the last two weeks, and I’ve had some frustration. I’ve had some very good kids and I’ve had some who needed a can of whoop ass opened up on ‘em (which I promptly did). And I had one kid apologize to me later for her atrocious behavior.

Still, it’s not a bad start for the school year.

Just one question: When is it gonna be fall, already?! I’ve had the top down on the Jeep for the better part of two weeks, the longest it’s ever been off in the three-and-a-half years I’ve had it.

Not that I’m complaining. In a mere month or two, I’ll be shivering in a snowbank for sure.

Same Old Story

« As news comes along that the first of several repressive anti-gay-family state amendments are already bearing fruit for the Fascist FunDumbMentalists », here’s an interesting article being reported tonight on the BBC:

‘American divorce reform planned
‘Changes in the law are opposed by the Republican party

‘The U.S. government says that it is planning to make changes in the country’s marriage laws to give women the right to divorce.

‘Under existing Christian Old Testament family and marriage laws, only men have the right to initiate divorce proceedings.

‘The Health and Human Services secretary said he was consulting other departments to make the changes.

‘The move has been strongly opposed by Christian parties and clerics and could face opposition within the government.

’”I have talked to the attorney general …,” HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson said, “and I am hoping that we would be able to make changes soon.”

‘America is a signatory to the UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, relating to the rights of women and children rights.

‘Jerry Falwell, chief of the Moral Majority – a partner in the governing coalition – said the divorce change proposals would be contrary to Christianity.

’”This would be totally against the spirit of the Bible,” he said, “we will oppose this and all Christian pastors will oppose this.”

‘Mr. Falwell says that according to Christian law a woman can express her desire to her husband if she wants a divorce.

’”But it depends on the man whether he would allow his wife to get that divorce,” he said.

‘Mr. Falwell also said that they would resist any move to bring amendments to the family succession laws that could give equal rights to men and women over family property.

‘The BBC’s Shahriar Karim in Washington, D.C., says that those laws favour men over women after a parental death.

‘Our correspondent says that the government is not considering changes to family succession laws because existing Old Testament law is an obstacle.

‘Mr. Thompson said that successive governments had avoided tackling the issue for fear of hurting the religious sentiments of the majority Christian population.’

So much for separation of church and state, huh?


No, wait … my mistake.

« Actually, the article says this »:

‘Bangladesh divorce reform planned
‘Changes in the law are opposed by Islamic parties

‘The government of Bangladesh says that it is planning to make changes in the country’s marriage laws to give women the right to divorce.

‘Under existing Islamic shariah family and marriage laws, only men have the right to initiate divorce proceedings.

‘The Women and Children Affairs minister said she was consulting other ministries to make the changes.

‘The move has been strongly opposed by Islamic parties and clerics and could face opposition within the government.

‘’Contrary to Islam’

’”I have talked to the law minister and also the social welfare minister,” the Women and Children Affairs Minister, Khurshid Jahan Haque said, “and I am hoping that we would be able to make changes soon.”

‘Bangladesh is a signatory to the UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, relating to the rights of women and children rights.

‘Moulana Fazlul Huq Amini, chief of Islami Oikya Jote [IOJ] – a partner in the governing coalition – said the divorce change proposals would be contrary to Islam.

’”This would be totally against the spirit of Koran,” he said, “we will oppose this and all Islamic clerics will oppose this.”

‘Mr. Amini says that according to Islamic law a woman can express her desire to her husband if she wants a divorce.

’”But it depends on the man whether he would allow his wife to get that divorce,” he said.

‘Mr. Amini also said that they would resist any move to bring amendments to the family succession laws that could give equal rights to men and women over family property.

‘The BBC’s Shahriar Karim in Dhaka says that those laws favour men over women after a parental death.

‘Our correspondent says that the government is not considering changes to family succession laws because existing shariah law is an obstacle.

‘Ms. Haque said that successive governments had avoided tackling the issue for fear of hurting the religious sentiments of the majority Muslim population.’

Christian America. Still #2 behind Islamic Bangladesh in enforcing FunDumbMentalist law. But we’re trying ever so hard …