June is much busier in ASquared than May, I’ve noticed. Besides the usual skateboarders and bike riders and summer students, there is now also an abundance of elderly polyester-wearing gawkers making their way through the arches and along the pathways of central campus. The immigrant cab drivers are now waiting for fares outside Michigan Union every day instead of once every couple of weeks. Rollerbladers blithely course down State as though it’s an amusement park palisade. Ambrosia is frequently packed (no rhyme or reason to the crowd patterns, though; it can be empty on a sunny day, packed on a rainy day, or vice versa). The three frumpy Mormon missionaries make their rounds every day like clockwork. The fourth floor of the undergrad library, which was just as frequently deserted as not last month, is now dotted with students as late as 7.00.