
A hot, humid, sauna-like day is just turning interesting … they announced a tornado warning for Washtenaw County and blew the storm sirens in Ann Arbor.

Radar indicates a possible tornado 14 miles west of Chelsea, moving east at 35 mph.

I tried to call Frank at work, but the UM Libraries are evacuating staff and students to the basement of the building.

The beagle is asleep upstairs, but I stood outside as the leading edge of the storm passed. It was quite exhilirating. But then the rain came and, yes, I do know enough to come back inside outta the rain.

Could be an interesting afternoon!

Switching …

There will be some sorta higgledy-piggledyness on today and maybe into tomorrow; I’m switching the site to a more sane and less snarky, less corporate hosting provider. Had enough of LunarPages … their trashing of my Movable Type installation and subsequent arrogance about it, plus their ‘maybe Textpattern is okay and maybe it’s not’ and ‘we disabled secure FTP access back in January because we think it has a security hole, but we’re not sure and we’re not bring it back’ were all the last straw.

The new hosting provider is brand spanking new: TextDrive, brought to you by the same good folks who produce Textpattern, the CMS that runs AirBeagle. AirBeagle is the 229th site to be hosted thusly. And we can now say that AirBeagle is hosted by the Oliver Dog and the Hugo Dog, Pompignan, France’s greatest Weimaraners; their dad is TextDrive/TextPattern’s creator, Dean Allen.

If you’re reading this, then AirBeagle is still being hosted by LunarPages. If you come back later and something weird is happening, well, bear with us through the reconstruction/retooling process. And thanks for stopping by!

Switching …

There will be some sorta higgledy-piggledyness on today and maybe into tomorrow; I’m switching the site to a more sane and less snarky, less corporate hosting provider. Had enough of LunarPages … their trashing of my Movable Type installation and subsequent arrogance about it, plus their ‘maybe Textpattern is okay and maybe it’s not’ and ‘we disabled secure FTP access back in January because we think it has a security hole, but we’re not sure and we’re not bring it back’ were all the last straw.

The new hosting provider is brand spanking new: TextDrive, brought to you by the same good folks who produce Textpattern, the CMS that runs AirBeagle. AirBeagle is the 229th site to be hosted thusly. And we can now say that AirBeagle is hosted by the Oliver Dog and the Hugo Dog, Pompignan, France’s greatest Weimaraners; their dad is TextDrive/TextPattern’s creator, Dean Allen.

If you’re reading this, then AirBeagle is still being hosted by LunarPages. If you come back later and something weird is happening, well, bear with us through the reconstruction/retooling process. And thanks for stopping by!