Ash to Ash

How long will it be before all the ash trees in southeastern Michigan die out? I heard a figure on the radio just now of 6 million ash decimated by the emerald ash borer and almost did a double take. Unbelievable.

Prize Winners

This year’s Lyttle Lytton Prizes (a spinoff from the better-known Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest, sponsored every year by San Jose State University) have been announced. The winner:

This is the story of your mom’s life.


I am pleased to announce that, although attitudes have improved immensely, the beatings will continue.


While a hellish yowl tore my throat, the panicked kitten—in fact me—leapt crying for the throat of Julia, there seeking comfort—and revenge.


Juicy, their love was like forbidden fruit: tasty.

My favorite, though, is this one:

I know who the murderer is, Kevin blogged.

[Link courtesy Metafilter.]

As if We Needed More of These

Tornado weather, says Hillary ….. great!

The one that passed through the day we arrived last August was enough for me, but I suppose that’s wishful thinking.

(On another subject, Hillary has a great post about John Negroponte, Bush’s new “ambassador” to Iraq.)

Weather Prediction

Let’s see. Prediction from the National Weather Service: possibility of thunderstorms 20%; temperature will rise to 76 by noon then fall to 67; and the winds will be between 25-30 mph, with gusts as high as 49 mph.

Great. I don’t know whether to dress for wind and rain or for a luau.