Domestic Policy: Canadian Drugs

Why did you block importation of Canadian drugs to save 40-60%?

Bush: I want you to be safe and protected and all huggly-wuggly and safety-wafety. Slams the third world. Pisses off his Big Pharma buddies by weakly touting generic drugs. Shillls for drug card scam. Blathers on and on.

Kerry: Notes that the Emperor four years ago was asked same question and said it was a good idea. He lied. Notes that Senate passed it. We’re talking about American drugs, not third world ones. Slams the Emperor on Medicare and bulk buying. Bush sides with corporations.

Bush blames Clinton. Kerry doesn’t have any accomplishments on Medicare in 20 years in the Senate.

Kerry: Actually in 1997 we fixed Medicare and I was one involved. WE BALANCED THE BUDGET TOO, something you don’t know how to do!