Your Handy-Dandy Guide to the Higgledy-Piggledy-ness

Here’s how AirBeagle works:

There are six domains in the AirBeagle family, AB.US,,,, and AntiFascist.US, but only two are really used — .US and .biz. AntiFascist.US automatically forwards to AB.US, as does and automatically forwards to

« AirBeagle.US » contains the following ‘blogs:

« Ask »: Here’s where you find out all you want to know about AirBeagle.
« Bike »: A chronicle of my efforts to ride a bike and get some regular exercise.
« Contact »: How to reach out and touch us.
« Drive »: I just leased a new Jeep, my fourth. This is where we do a Car and Driver bit, keeping a record of expenses and other things that happen over the course of the lease.
« Fly »: In which I indulge a major passion: airliners. I love ‘em. I write about the industry and post some pictures.
« The AntiFascist ». While similar in tone to AB.US, except it only contains links to news articles which highlight current affairs in five areas, News, Politics, Culture, Fundamentalism and Corporatism, both Imperially and Internationally. Read ‘em and weep.
« Live »: This is the joint blog which I and my partner Frank write … it’s all about our grad school experiences while attending UM in Ann Arbor. This is where all the good stuff is, with lots of variety.
« Print »: Life with literature, also a passion. Not as frequently updated, but mainly where I keep a list of books I’ve read or am reading.
« Read »: Totally random, personal stuff which doesn’t fit anywhere else. It’s the most personally revealing section.
« Remember »: Another major passion: history. Primarily, you’ll find me writing about the history of Europe between 1815 and 1945, but there are other bits and pieces here too.
« Screen »: All about film. Movies I’m watching or have just seen, stuff I’ve rented from the library and an up-to-date listing of my 500-disc DVD library.
« Slaughter » contains a list honoring all the men and women who have lost their lives since the Boy Emperor George II seized the throne of the ‘Murrican Empire in 2001. I update as often as I can, but the deaths are getting too numerous and it’s getting hard to keep up.
« Snork »: The Dayley Bayley is where you’ll find a recent picture of my dog, Bayley, the Beagle in AirBeagle, updated every day. Or as often as I get a chance.
« Think »: All about my adventures in teaching and in grad school at UM’s School of Education, where I’ll be getting my master’s degree. I keep it fairly generic; don’t need to get dooced.
« View »: All photos, all the time. Here’s the repository of all our photos that we take over time. They cover some five years, but I hope to add more soon.
« Watch »: Here’s where you can watch the beagle live. It’s the place to get voyeuristic and spy on us via our webcam. If you see a graphic that says we’re offline, it means the camera is off and we’re looking for some privacy.
« Write »: The final AB.US section is where I keep longer writings and essays that don’t fit on the main blogs.

The main page of « AirBeagle.US » is the oldest section of AirBeagle and where I blow off the most steam. Here’s where I fight the good fight, mostly against the self-righteous, hypocritical and evil Fascists and Fascist FunDumbMentalists that would turn the American Republic into the Fascist Theocracy of ‘Murrica. I don’t pull punches here. If you don’t like in-your-face progressive politics and activism, and/or you think George W. is akin to God, then you won’t like what you see here.

Then there is « » which is used to deliver information about my education communications consulting and my personal resume.

A better site map will be coming when I get a chance.
